Craig Gregory
“This is some of the most state-of-the-art software available. We are very pleased with how it is working and it is enabling cost savings because we can work more efficiently and effectively – which is beneficial to ourselves and our customers.”

Scott Smith
Cartwrights Waste Disposal
“Telford-based Cartwrights Waste Disposal Services Ltd wanted to ‘move with the times’ and cut down their paper trail, so they decided to replace their outdated software with PurGo Waste Management Software.”

Harvey Mills
Forge Recycling
“I’m in no doubt that introducing PurGo has had a major influence on the business and that our rate of growth is in part due to the improvements we have made since using the system.”

Steve Dixon
“In a matter of weeks we noticed the benefits. We now have a far more detailed understanding of what drives our business performance. Everything we do is now linked and transparent.”

Jonathan Gaskell
Gaskells Waste
“We pride ourselves on providing our customers with exact information on how much waste is being recycled, and where it is going, to provide full traceability. We are now able to charge precisely for what we collect, no more or less, plus we can schedule collection rounds more effectively.”

John Stephens
“PurGo is enabling us to convert most of our operations to a paperless system as well as provide our customers with full monitoring and complete traceability”

Simon Almond
Devon Contract Waste
“The system has resulted in an additional £1,500 revenue each week, which means that it more than pays for itself!”

Steve Enderby
Chambers Recycling
“VWS demonstrate a flexible approach and have a similar business culture to Chambers Recycling. It is a good fit.”