Transforming Weighbridge Operations with PurGo

The waste management and recycling industry is constantly changing. Regulations change, market demands fluctuate, and new technologies constantly reshape the landscape. At VWS Software Solutions, we understand these challenges. That’s why we created PurGo, an innovative weighbridge software designed to keep your business ahead of the curve.

Strategic Investment

PurGo isn’t just about automating weighbridge operations; it’s a strategic tool for waste management. Our team of developers keeps a keen eye on industry trends, ensuring PurGo adapts to new standards, evolving market needs, and the latest technological advancements. With PurGo, you’ll have a system that not only addresses current needs but also prepares you for the challenges of tomorrow.


The weighbridge landscape is constantly in flux, and PurGo is built to adapt. Whether you’re expanding your service offerings, entering new markets, or adopting new business models, PurGo’s modular design allows for easy adjustments and additions. This flexibility means you’re not just investing in a solution for today – you’re securing a partner that grows with your business. No matter what the future holds, PurGo will be there to ensure your operations remain uninterrupted and efficient.


Staying compliant with regulations in the waste management industry can feel like a never-ending game of catch-up. PurGo eliminates that stress with its commitment to continuous compliance updates. The software automatically updates with the latest regulations, removing the burden of manual tracking and ensuring you always operate within legal boundaries. This built-in compliance feature allows you to focus on what matters – managing your business efficiently.

Boost Efficiency

PurGo offers a suite of tools designed to streamline various aspects of your weighbridge operations. Whether your preference is for unmanned or manned weighbridge operations, integration with ANPR and barrier technology, PurGo offers seamless integration with multiple third party weighbridge solutions. Along with the desire of PurGo users to go paperless where possible, electronic signing technology plays a key role, offering automatic emailing of Weighbridge Tickets on completion to your customers. With live visibility across all depots, PurGo empowers you to optimise workflows and minimise manual interventions. 

Empowering Your Team for Success

PurGo prioritises user experience, making it easy for your team to leverage its full potential.  The software includes all the standard features you expect and more for a busy weighbridge operation. Aside from loads in and out, the management of load planning to fulfil future stock requirements as well as handling split loads for your busy MRF, PurGo offers efficiency of transaction processing. Combined with the Collection and Material Delivery Operations for your  own vehicles it offers a fully integrated solution across the business. By providing user-centric tools, PurGo empowers your workforce to perform their roles more effectively.

Comprehensive Support

At VWS Software Solutions, we believe in fostering long-term partnerships with our customers. That’s why we offer comprehensive support and ongoing training to ensure you get the most out of PurGo. This includes regular updates, system health checks, and customised training sessions designed to keep your team proficient with the software and optimise its effectiveness as your business evolves.

We take a consultative approach, working closely with you to understand your specific needs and challenges.  This ensures PurGo is tailored to your unique requirements, maximising its contribution to your success.

PurGo’s future-proof design, scalability, commitment to compliance, and focus on efficiency and user experience make it an invaluable asset for any waste management and recycling business.  By choosing PurGo, you’re partnering with a provider dedicated to helping you navigate the ever-changing industry landscape and achieve long-term success.